Dinosaur Technologies
Communications From the Past

October 23 - December 1, 2023

Reception October 25th 4pm - 6pm.

Have you ever wondered what your great-great grandfather’s telephone looked like? And how did people ever communicate before texts? Imagine what things were like before snapchat and tiktok. Come find out how people communicated in the “good old days” and in the “good old-old days”.

This exhibit features some amazing old inventions and information about the people who had the vision to come up with them and some awesome interactive features. The artifacts were collected and curated in collaboration with the Oneida County History Center.

Inventor of The Answering Machine -
Joseph Zimmerman
Inventor of The Telegraph Sounder -
Alfred Vail
Inventor of The Overhead Projector -
Alexandre Edmond Becquere
Inventors of The 2004 iMac G5 -
Jef Raskin and Steve Jobs
Inventor of The Microphone -
Fritz Sennheiser